And the new cloth diaper... freakin' rocks! ?Let me tell you more about the process and how we came to this decision...
So we decided to cloth diaper maybe 4-5 months into the pregnancy. ?I had already done a lot of research on the topic and realized a few things about disposable diapers (DD's):
- Overtime, they are EXPENSIVE
- They sit in landfills and don't biodegrade
- They are full of chemicals (polyacrylate gel and dioxins)
Next, was time to pick which company I wanted to purchase my diapers from and what type. ?Yes, there are many?brands and types of cloth diapers within a wide spectrum and colors and price.. and look how cute! {Source - Kelly's Closet}
So we decided on Kawaii One Size Snap Closure Pocket Diapers and ordered them from Sweet Bottoms. ?When they arrived I was amazed at how soft they feel! ?They came with two inserts for each that fit into a sewn-in pocket. ?Usually we use 1 insert during the day and double up at night for the heavy wetting. ?We bought a total of 11 diapers in various colors! ?
Some other accessories that we got...that I consider must haves are:?
- Planet Wise Wet/Dry Bag: ?Can store both clean and soiled diapers. ?When ready to wash, just toss inside-out into the washing machine with the diapers. We bought 2! This replaced the ever-famous diaper genie. We keep ours hanging on the front knob of the changing dresser. ?(I need to get a command strip hook and put it on the side.)
- BumGenius Diaper Sprayer: For those super soiled diapers... you can just spray into the toilet and flush rather than the old school "soak method".
- Flushable Diaper Liners: Simply place liner on diaper, and when soiled (via #2), simply roll up and flush liner in toilet.
- Reuseable Wipes (Etsy): Again, just easier to throw everything in the diaper and into the wash. ?And they're super soft (bamboo/Velour). ?With the DIY wipe solution and wipes warmer Avery's bum cleaning just went all spa-like!
{Wipes are currently soaked in Zany Apricot solution...they smell so good!!}
- Laundry Detergent: We switched to a brand that was safe on the diapers (doesn't mess with their?absorbency).
We do still use DDs for long trips (Pampers is our DD of choice), when my mom watches him (still convincing her how easy this is), and the church nursery (DD only policy). ?But otherwise, at home he's all cloth. ?We've already seen the cost advantage as well, as we haven't purchased a single package of diapers yet. ?(We're still using the cases we got as gifts) So how does Avery like them? ?Well he hasn't had a single case of diaper rash, blowout or leak. He moves around just as well as he does with DDs and... he's stylin'. :)
So do I recommend the use of cloth diapers? ?Oh heck yeah! ? It was definitely an upfront investment of about $250-300. ?But we don't have to spend anymore except for more detergent (which is actually cheaper than what we were spending before!) and on the ingredients for the wipes solution. (probably a yearly reorder).?
Another plus is that they are?convenient. ?We don't have to worry about waking up and not having any more diapers on hand. ?Plus...they can be used with our next little one! ?(That's where the real savings will come rolling in).?
So have a surprised a lot of you or what??! ?Talk to me. :)
No compensation was received for any of the products mentioned above. ?The opinions expressed in the review are completely my own. ?:)
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