Sunday, July 3, 2011

JJ Botta - Freelance Writer: Here at Last! 7 Writing Tricks for ...

cover 7 writing tricks large

Copyright? 2011 JJ Botta

Here at Last! 7 Writing Tricks for the Clueless!

At long last, my book has arrived, and I am very excited.?

It is still being distributed and probably will not be in bookstores or for a couple of weeks, but it is available now in both Print Edition and Download.

Please allow me to share with you a little background for this book through this excerpt from the Foreword:

?About ten years ago, I was teaching writing at a small college in New England when I was approached by the administration and asked if I would be willing to help with a difficulty the school was experiencing. The college thrived at several locations, but needed a new director to head one of the campuses that specialized in night classes for adults. It appeared the enrollment was slipping. I agreed to assume the position until a new administrator could be found. It took longer than expected.

The last thing I ever wanted to do was be an academic administrator. I was a writer, and marketing education programs was not my forte. Nevertheless, I stuck with it until a director was found. However, it did not take me long to verify that the enrollment was falling off, so I decided to examine the reasons and fix the problem. What I discovered was amazing.


I began to interview prospective students. Most of them were between 27 and 35 years old, returning to college to further their careers. They fell into three basic categories.?


The first group of prospective students enrolled for one semester, took one course, tried their absolute best, and dropped out after receiving mediocre or poor grades. The members of this group never realized the reason for their poor performance in History, Philosophy, or even Science. It was their writing skills.


The second group did not even bother to enroll. When contacted, they indicated they were not confident in their writing abilities and were afraid to take college courses. When it came to writing, they were clueless.


The third group consisted of students who enrolled so they could keep their jobs, or qualify for promotions and pay raises. They had no choice. They were usually told by employers that their lack of written communication skills was holding them back.?


After studying the problem, I developed a course for new students to improve their writing skills, without studying grammar or participating in demeaning remedial programs. Within two semesters, the enrollment at the campus had tripled!?


How? The students had been clueless as to the reasons for their failures, fears, and setbacks. I showed them seven simple tricks to clean up their writing painlessly.?


The reason I am so very proud of this book is that the concepts presented actually have a great track record. I have been teaching college writing for many years, and many of my students, now successful business people, keep in touch with me. I have been told countless times that their writing skills improved drastically after taking my courses. Many indicated their professional success came easily because their writing skills were superior to that of their competition.


Over the last few years, I introduced my principles to High School students in the Cambridge University Program with great success. An unusually high percentage of my students achieved perfect scores on their state standardized writing tests.


I would be honored if any of my readers would recommend my book to others. Place my book image and a link back to this post on your website, comment here and let me know, and you will be automatically entered into an upcoming drawing I will hold shortly. My granddaughter will pick names from a hat and entrants may receive a free, signed, print edition of this text.


Thank you all for being so supportive over the past couple of years. It is much appreciated.


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