RUSH: Let's go to the audio sound bites, shall we?? Take you back to me on this program March 26, which just three days ago.
RUSH ARCHIVE: There is a movement in this country that you don't hear much about called polyamory. Our caller Art said, "Oh, no, no, no. No, no, no. That's where I draw the line." You can't have more than two people get married. Well, there's a movement for that, and the proponents are being urged to shut up about it and just do it.
RUSH:? There is a movement, polyamory, multiple spouses, and we had the story about the movement as an official trade organization, lobbying group. The members are being urged to shut up about it so that nobody knows, so that there won't be any push-back.? DOMA was push-back, by the way.? DOMA was push-back against gay marriage.? Bill and Hillary Clinton and all the Democrats that supported DOMA back in 1997 didn't have the guts to say they were opposed to same-sex marriage because of the campaign donations that come in from the gay community, Hollywood particularly, but all over.

They didn't have the guts to say they were opposed to same-sex marriage, so they came up with DOMA, the Defense of Marriage Act, which defined marriage for federal purposes as that between a man and a woman. Because back then if you're Clinton that's how you kept your approval rating at 60% or you got reelected.? But DOMA, in one sense, was push-back.? Minor push-back, but nevertheless it was.? So now we got polyamory.? Let's go to the sound bites from last night.
You know, ABC has a show in primetime called Wife Swap.? They do.? They have a program called Wife Swap, and last night they swap a Tea Party activist with a polyamorous family.? I'm not kidding you. The Tea Partiers are painted as the Bible-thumping freaks, and the polyamorous family portrayed as the open-minded, full of love, and sympathetic bunch.? The wives are Gina Loudon, a San Diego Tea Party activist and a New York polyamorous wife, Angela Envy, and here is how the program opened.
ANNOUNCER: (dramatic music) Tonight on Wife Swap.? Two very different wives. (gunshot) A gun-toting Tea Party activist.
GINA LOUDON:? You can't defend your rights, then you don't have any rights.
ANNOUNCER:? And a polyamorous wife who lives with her husband and their girlfriend.
ANGELA ENVY:? I can't imagine it without her!
ASHLEY:? It's crazy, but I love it.
ANNOUNCER:? Swap lives for two weeks.
RUSH:? You shouldn't doubt me.? Primetime, ABC last night, Wife Swap. (interruption) The Official Program Observer has raised his hand for question.? Yes, Mr. Snerdley, what is it? (interruption)? I don't know, Snerdley. I don't know. I happened to stumble across this last night.? I don't even know how, but the bottom line is... (interruption) "How far does the Wife Swap thing go?"? Why, do you want to play?? (interruption) I assume they do.? It's like Home Makeover.? I assume they literally swap.? That's what the program is.? (interruption)

Do they totally...? (interruption)? Yeah, I "know what you mean."? I know what swapping wives means. (interruption)? That we see, Dawn.? Dawn said, "There's no kissing or anything." That we see.? We don't know what goes on when the cameras aren't rolling.? Strip poker? Who knows what's going on in there.? Anyway, my point here is that they've got a Tea Party activist that they swap with a woman in a polyamorous relationship. The Tea Party activist is a fuddy-duddy, Bible-thumping, closed-minded bigot. The wife that's in the polyamorous relationship is loooooving, open-miiiiinded (giggles), and loves both of her partners.?
Here, listen to the setup again. Grab sound bite number eight again.? The setup is the intro to the ABC show Wife Swap.
ANNOUNCER: (dramatic music) Tonight on Wife Swap.? Two very different wives. (gunshot) A gun-toting Tea Party activist.
GINA LOUDON:? You can't defend your rights, then you don't have any rights.
ANNOUNCER:? And a polyamorous wife who lives with her husband and their girlfriend.
ANGELA ENVY:? I can't imagine it without her!
ASHLEY:? It's crazy, but I love it.
ANNOUNCER:? Swap lives for two weeks.
RUSH:? Okay. The Tea Party wife is Gina Loudon and the polyamorous wife is Angela Envy, and she lives with her husband and "their girlfriend." Not his or her girlfriend, their girlfriend.? Now, here's another bite on the Tea Party side.? This is another portion of the announcer describing the scene in the program Wife Swap.
ANNOUNCER:? Meet Gina Loudon from San Diego, California.
GINA LOUDON:? You take Hitler. You take Mussolini. You take Pol Pot. They were all liberals.? Let's not forget that.
ANNOUNCER:? Gina is a journalist, author, political pundit, and staunch supporter of the Tea Party movement.
GINA LOUDON:? Faith is the cornerstone of the Loudon family.
MR. LOUDON:? "He that walketh in his uprightness feareth the Lord."
GINA LOUDON:? My family is grounded in God.? We are Christians.? We believe in Jesus Christ. (gunshot) I don't think the government should regulate how many guns I own.? People are afraid of the guns, so they just want to throw 'em all away.
RUSH:? Did you hear that??
They have her say, "My family is grounded in God.? We are Christians.? We believe in Jesus Christ," and then the gunshot. ABC puts a gunshot in there.? Did you catch that?? All right. One more bite. Here's how they describe the polyamorous couple. You just heard it. This woman may as well be Sarah Palin, right?? Bible thumping. "Everybody on the left is Hitler, Mussolini, Pol Pot. They were liberals! Let's grab our gun and kill everybody!" That's how the Tea Party wife is portrayed.? Now, let's go to the polyamorous wife and listen to the announcer talk about this trio.

ANNOUNCER:? In New York is the nonpolitical and polyamorous Envy family.
ANGELA ENVY:? Me and Chris have been married eight years now, and Ashley is our girlfriend.
ASHLEY:? Chris, Angela, and I have, like, a very passionate, loving relationship.? I've just become part of the whole family.
CHRIS ENVY:? I had no idea that it was gonna develop into an actual relationship, but I'm happy it did.
ANGELA ENVY:? Ashley fits into the family perfectly.
ASHLEY:? I was hanging out with them more as friends in the beginning and just turned into more.? I went from being a college girl to living in a house with four children.
ENVY:? The trio all live together with Chris and Angela's children.
RUSH:? Oh, how loving! Oh, man, how wonderful are these people?? Now that you've heard it, I'm gonna go back. I'm gonna play those two things back-to-back for you -- and I just want to tell you that it's an hour-long show.? We could have done endless sound bites. But the way it turns out, the way the show turns out, is about three-quarters of the way through the show, the Tea Party wife gets thrown out of the polyamorous house. The Tea Party family drops out of the show.
They are painted as intolerant, Bible-thumping prudes.?
The polyamorous family are the normal, loving, sympathetic characters whose worst trait is eating a lot of junk food.? If you watch the whole show, that's how it unfolded.? Now, this is not insignificant, folks.? This is primetime television.? This is the kind of thing that has been going on and taking place that slowly but surely chips away at what used to be normal, and now what justifies all these things. "It's perfectly fine. It's cool.? Three people in a relationship? Four people?
"Cool! I love it!? Fine, man! Let's all get married."? This is how young people get softened up to accept all this, having no clue what they're doing, because they haven't been raised with any moral foundation. The Tea Party family is thrown off the show because they're a bunch of closed-minded, intolerant, Bible-thumping prudes.? We'll play those two things back-to-back so that you can once again hear the different ways the two families are portrayed.?
RUSH:? And we're back.? Okay, we're gonna play these sound bites back to back.? Snerdley just said, "When did this start, the network deciding to... well, publicize, promote, what have you, the whole notion of polyamory?"? I don't know, but it's Disney.? Hee-hee-hee.? Disney owns ABC.? That's not the point here.? There's another question: Why would this Loudon family do this??
This is why, folks, we need an academy for conservatives to tell them, "I don't care how much you want fame, do not rely on the mainstream media or networks to give it to you.? They're just gonna impugn you, laugh at you, make fun of you, and so forth," which is what's happening.? Okay.? Here's the announcer introducing the Loudon family, the Tea Partiers...?
ANNOUNCER:? Meet Gina Loudon from San Diego, California.
GINA LOUDON:? You take Hitler. You take Mussolini. You take Pol Pot. They were all liberals.? Let's not forget that.
ANNOUNCER:? Gina is a journalist, author, political pundit, and staunch supporter of the Tea Party movement.
GINA LOUDON:? Faith is the cornerstone of the Loudon family.
MR. LOUDON:? "He that walketh in his uprightness feareth the Lord."
GINA LOUDON:? My family is grounded in God.? We are Christians.? We believe in Jesus Christ. (gunshot) I don't think the government should regulate how many guns I own.? People are afraid of the guns, so they just want to throw 'em all away.
RUSH: Okay, they believe in Jesus. Now the polyamorous family...
ANNOUNCER:? In New York is the nonpolitical and polyamorous Envy family.
ANGELA ENVY:? Me and Chris have been married eight years now, and Ashley is our girlfriend.
ASHLEY:? Chris, Angela, and I have, like, a very passionate, loving relationship.? I've just become part of the whole family.
CHRIS ENVY:? I had no idea that it was gonna develop into an actual relationship, but I'm happy it did.
ANGELA ENVY:? Ashley fits into the family perfectly.
ASHLEY:? I was hanging out with them more as friends in the beginning and just turned into more.? I went from being a college girl to living in a house with four children.
ENVY:? The trio all live together with Chris and Angela's children.
RUSH: So. (sigh) The Loudon family, "We believe in Jesus Christ."? Gunshot!? Bang!? This other ones? The polyamorous family? Oh, they're loving, they're sensitive, they just love the kids! The other bunch? "Hitler! Mussolini! Give us our guns. We want to shoot people right after we praise Christ. Bang!"? (laughing)
Anyway, I gotta take a break. I don't know, folks.?
RUSH:? Now, that Wife Swap show. Folks, if you go to any online discussion forum (I checked this) where they are talking about this episode, and you will see that the Tea Party family is being excoriated and ridiculed for being a bunch of bigoted hicks.? That show is a microcosm of how we've lost the low-information voters, or who the low-information voters are.? That episode right there.?
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