Saturday, February 4, 2012

Cinnamon Diabetes | New Health and Fitness

New Health And Fitness.Org - Health Information You Can Use

Researches have known since 1962 that a chemical substance found in the plant often used in Chinese cooking called bitter melon has the ability to increase a diabetic?s reaction to insulin found in bitter melon diabetes. A research project done by the Philippine Department of Health discovered that taking 100 milligrams of bitter melon diabetes a day was the equivalent of taking 2.5 milligrams of the diabetes drug glibenclamide twice a day.

Exercise is extremely important in managing diabetes type II because it lowers the bled glucose levels by increasing the up take of the glucose by body muscles and by improving insulin utilization people with diabetes should excursive at the time and in the same amount each day a slow gradual increase in the excursive period is encouraged.

Diabetes 2 can literally affect everyone; from the young to the elderly. Those who stand the highest risk of succumbing to the disease are the overweight- the high fat content in their bodies greatly reduces the body?s ability to maximize the secreted insulin. Type ii diabetes cannot escape thin persons particularly the elderly. This type of diabetes can also get into you if it had or has been diagnosed in some of your family members before. It is a disease that can be genetically transferred. Other risk factors include high blood pressure, poor diet and low level activity.

Although the condition may not be completely cured, there are numerous natural diabetes treatment to reverse its side effects and to bring the condition under control. One of the major natural diabetes treatment is about the foods that we eat. There are certain diets which if followed religiously can help to bring diabetes under control. These include the vegetarian beans, the Moroccan stew and the low-fat guacamole. Wheat and whet products are also good such as pancakes and pilaf.

Diabetes vitamins People with diabetes tend to have lower levels of vitamin C in their bodies, which may be due to hyper glycemia levels hampering the uptake of vitamin C by cells. A 15 year study, published in the magazine of the American College of Cardiology, involving more than 1,500 women with diabetes found that supplementation with 350mg or more of vitamin C daily significantly reduced the risk of cardiac disease the combination of insulin to regulate blood sugar together with the use of vitamin C, interrupt blood vessel injury caused by the illness in patients with lower glucose control.

In general we see that diabetes supplements are of great help in the management of diabetes. However, the catch is in naturally occurring diabetes supplements or pills that are chemically made. This may be the reason why some organizations have not come out in full support of the diabetes supplements therapy as a treatment for diabetes.

Do you want to learn more on how do you get diabetes ? How Splenda Helps Those Living With Diabetes, then visit our website and read more about Can You Reverse Diabetes?.

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