Death is a very complicated piece of life that adults tend to struggle. There are questions as they relate to the death to the justice or injustice of the question of what could happen, the soul, and questions about our own mortality that adults do not understand. Explain the death of a child does not mean that you have all answers, but they offer the best comfort. Some of the leading experts have a number of recommendations. MyRecommendation is that from your heart and faith that everything will be OK to talk.
Death is sleep and sleep is not synonymous with death. Even if we do not want to explain to children that death may be our pain and we want them to sleep that leave the impression that may be death is peaceful, like, say our children that death is eternal as sleep can be harmful. First, you can give them the impression of falling asleep atNight may mean that they will die, or that their family members can die if they sleep at night. It also removes the idea of the permanence of death, and younger children may feel as if the deceased would magically wake up and come back to them.
Death is a process of life. Death for some people it means the end of life and for others it means a new eternal life. Ideas of heaven and hell of religious orientation, spiritual beliefs and concepts that weeach family. It is good to know, not all the answers about death. It is good to present different beliefs systems and in parts of the life after death, as it really is a mystery to us all. It is reasonable to explain that different people different things about where the soul goes to believe life over.
The soul is a mysterious person, even for adults. We understand the concept of the soul, but it's not something you can describe us. This may make declarations of any kind of life after deathdifficult in a way that a child really understand, but the introduction of principles for a child who is emotionally and intellectually prepared in order to process the things their own way. Enabling children their own treatment is positive if it is rooted in a fundamental reality. Can you describe heaven as a place they know, or create a story of magic in the sky, and that's good. You can talk about how God can do anything and God can bring his grandmother when he really wants in lifeProper warrants discussion.
One of the questions on the trail of death that therapists often feel we need to bring a child to a funeral? The answer to this question depends on the child, the relationship that the child was with the deceased, and if it is the belief that the child will gain nothing from it. Explain the funeral of a child always a good idea. By the opportunity to participate in the process of parting can be veryhealthy.
Most people expect children to cry immediately when love tells of the death of someone they. Some children do, but other children do not. This may be partly because they do not understand what happened or can not because they are looking to the adults in their lives to know how to react. It is right that children see a few tears. It can see you cry a little "anxiety for a child, a parent or an adult, and threw himself on the groundComplete agony should not be done in the presence of the child. It is to be declared a parent that they loved the deceased and very sad because they lack adequate.
Explain the death of a child's spirituality takes a delicate balance between honesty and optimistic and hopeful. Allow a child process and answer their questions is more difficult to explain death to death at. The children feel that parents have all the answers and do notI want to disappoint them, but honestly, we have our faith and our beliefs, but we can never be 100% sure when it comes to issues of death and mortality. Questions about the death of a child become more difficult. It is good to kill her, well into the future, rather than presenting the possibility that someone can die week on a given day. We are not trying to scare children, but give them the honesty was very helpful for their development.
Some childrenI accept the conditions and other matters, the organization is ready, death, God, the existence of angels and heaven and the soul for weeks or even months after. Patience tends to work only when the subtle answers to the questions are not obvious. Difficulties arise when a parent is the only answer: when working with children should be questions that can not be answered, they explain the different theories and discuss the possibilities, "I do not.".
If weexplain death of a child, we can not allow our fears and uncertainties clouding the answers that we ask them questions. At the same time, we can not allow that to force our preparation, the spiritual world question. Taking into account a child's lead in this case is good as long as they express their feelings, thoughts and hopes (or in some cases not calculated) in age-appropriate and healthy way.
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